Friday, January 9, 2009

GUESS WHO???????

Can you identify Blaklyn, Karsen, & Corbin?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Corbin Came Just At The Right Time

It's time to go home Corbin!

Now, this is relaxing!

Blaklyn is the most concerned and the Little Mother

Blaklyn said she would help take care of Corbin until he turns out like Karsen and then he's all Daddy's.

Blaklyn and her new friend Buster.

My first ride!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Karsen is Our Laughter

Karsen makes us laugh and test the waters. But, where would we be without him. This house would be way to quiet!

He must have learned this dance move from Daddy!

Karsen thinks he is something! He drives it just like a big boy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year from the Mew Crew! Hope 2009 is exciting for all of you!
Love Always,
James, Monica, Blaklyn, Karsen, & Corbin