Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

We love Green Eggs & Ham!

I love The Cat in the Hat!

Sweetheart Dance

Well, the girls are having fun!

Limbo lower now! Daddy, isn't this fun!

Snow Day

Please let it snow! Please let it snow! Please let it snow!

Extra Recess!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winterplace 2009

Karsen made 3 runs and I'm not sure but I think Daddy was more worn out.

Blaklyn's got it!

Have you ever wondered what its like to go snowtubing?

Buster Escaped

Last Monday, my cell phone rings and it's James calling me outside to catch Buster. It was a 2 hour task with the help of Candy, Ashley, Ashley, Paul, and Regina. It was not funny at the time but seeing that horse in a wide open field of freshly planted oats, he must have thought we were CRAZY for thinking he was going to eat oats out of a bucket when he had all the oats he ever wanted. I wish I would have had it on camera but you can imagine what was on our minds at the time. Blaklyn said to her teacher the next day, "Buster was running so fast he had smoke coming from under his feet."

This is an older video of James feeding Buster. You can kinda see why he wasn't going to come to us once he escaped.

The Best Sleep Ever

Friday, January 9, 2009

GUESS WHO???????

Can you identify Blaklyn, Karsen, & Corbin?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Corbin Came Just At The Right Time

It's time to go home Corbin!

Now, this is relaxing!

Blaklyn is the most concerned and the Little Mother

Blaklyn said she would help take care of Corbin until he turns out like Karsen and then he's all Daddy's.

Blaklyn and her new friend Buster.

My first ride!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Karsen is Our Laughter

Karsen makes us laugh and test the waters. But, where would we be without him. This house would be way to quiet!

He must have learned this dance move from Daddy!

Karsen thinks he is something! He drives it just like a big boy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year from the Mew Crew! Hope 2009 is exciting for all of you!
Love Always,
James, Monica, Blaklyn, Karsen, & Corbin